St. Luke's
United Church of Christ
St. Luke's
United Church of Christ
No Matter Who You Are Or Where You Are On Life's Journey, You Are Welcome Here!
Thanks for stopping by St. Luke’s United Church of Christ website. We are located at 727 N. Main in Independence, Missouri and would love to have you stop by and join us for Sunday School at 9:30 (except in summer) and Worship at 10:45 on a Sunday morning. We have an accessible building all on one level. The north and south entrances are double doors with no steps. The east door has two steps inside the entrance.
When you visit St. Luke’s UCC, you will have the opportunity to meet our pastor, Rev. Paul Emily. He began his ministry at St. Luke’s on Feb. 15, 2015.
So, if you are looking for a church home, seeking a new church to serve, or just needing a hug, drop in some Sunday. We will welcome you as a part of our family, accepting you just as you are. Whether you are wandering, wavering, or wondering, come on in, knock, and the door will be opened, just for you!
We invite you to browse our website and learn about our congregation.
The sacrament of baptism is an outward and visible sign of the grace of God. The pastor baptizes infants, children, youth, and adults with water. The sacrament is usually conducted during a worship service. Baptism celebrates the presence of every person within the grace of God and in the life of the congregation. Parents may choose to invite sponsors or Godparents for infants or children who are baptized. Baptism is always a joyous occasion in the life of our church.
Like many other Protestant traditions, we recognize two sacraments – Baptism and Holy Communion. These two sacraments were instituted by Jesus and are recorded in the Bible. We celebrate Communion the first Sunday of each month and for special events. Individual Communion is also available. All present are invited to receive the bread and the wine (or grape juice) which represent the body and blood of Christ. Before eating and drinking the pastor declares, “Take and eat this bread (or drink this wine) in memory of the body (or blood) of Christ.”
When a young person reaches the age of 11 – 13, she or he is invited to participate in a special class which is taught by the pastor and a layperson. The class meets in the youth room once a week for two years. The young people study the Bible, church history, and our faith and witness. At the end of the class the young people are invited to become members of the congregation by "affirming" their baptismal vows. Usually the class joins the church on Pentecost. It is truly a special celebration.
It all started...
St. Luke’s history goes back to 1878 when it was organized as the German Evangelical St. Lucas Church of Independence, Missouri. The church had 21 charter members who were all of German descent. The first church building was built in 1881 at the corner of North Liberty and West Nettleton.
The United Church of Christ was formed in 1957 when the Evangelical and Reformed Church merged with the Congregational Christian Church.
Rev. Paul Emily
Rev. E. Paul Emily was called as pastor of St. Luke’s United Church of Christ in February of 2015. He brings with him over thirty years of experience in ordained ministry. His ministry has included congregational settings and health care chaplaincy.
Nanette Moore
Admin Assistant
Nanette Moore serves St. Luke’s in two postions. She has been the Administrative Assistant since June, 1998 and was the Director of Christian Education for twenty-three years. If you need to know the answer to a question about St. Luke’s, just ask Nanette!
Mariah Mosely
Church Program Coordinator
Mariah Mosely started as Church Program Coordinator at St. Luke's in 2025. She has dedicated her career to supporting children and their families. She also works full time as the Director of the Childcare at ReDiscover.
Margie Foley
Margie Foley is the Organist/Pianist. She began playing at St. Luke's in December, 2018. Margie plays for every service and also accompanies the Chancel Choir.
Matthew Bennett
Matthew Bennett conducts the Chancel and Handbell Choirs. Matthew is a professional violinist and has performed with several Symphonies and orchestras. He became St. Luke's Conductor/Violinist in September, 2019. He currently also performs with the Fountain City Quartet.